Wild Burrow & Lower Javelina Trails
14810 N Secret Springs Dr, Marana, AZ 85658
This park is 10.5 miles from Windfeather Resort and is about a 15-minute drive.
No park fees. Restrooms are available. You will need to stop at a manned gate on Secret Springs Dr. on your way to the trails. Just let them know you're going hiking on the trails.
Hours - Dawn to Dusk
Length & Rating of Trail for Wild Burrow - 6.5 miles. This is a fairly easy hike. The trail is smooth without a lot of rocks and debris and does provide some shade. 9.5' elevation change.
Length & Rating for Lower Javelina - 1.5 miles. This is a beautiful hike up along the side of the mountain. It is very rugged, with not much shade and lots of climbing over rocks along the trail. 360' elevation change.

The Tortolita Trails has 29 miles of trails throughout the area. Wild Burro and Lower Javelina are just two of them. There is parking and restrooms available at the beginning of the Wild Burrow trailhead. You will enjoy some beautiful, young and old Saguaro cacti, incredible rock formations, and amazing mountain views. Be one with nature as you climb rocks and boulders on the Lower Javelina trail weaving in and around the beauty along the mountain side. Or, take a more casual, easier route and enjoy the beauty along the Wild Burrow trail.
We started out on the Wild Burrow trail, then veered off onto the Lower Javelina trail which looped around and reconnected with Wild Burrow to get back to the parking lot.
For a more challenging hike in this area, visit Alamo Springs Trail.
Click here for a map of the Wild Burrow trails area. It shows difficulty of trails, elevation, length, and more.