Honey Bee Canyon Park
13880 N Rancho Vistoso, Oro Valley, AZ 85755
This park is 5.9 miles from Windfeather Resort and is about a 13-minute drive. No park fees. Restrooms are available as well as two Ramada's and grills.
Hours - Dawn to Dusk
Length of Trail - 3 miles of hiking.
Trail rating - We would rate this trail as easy for the first part but there is some elevation climbing if you choose to continue on. There are a lot of rocks on the path so watch your footing.

Exclusive Services
The park includes three miles of hiking trails, a historic rock dam, and two ramadas with grills. Restrooms are at the beginning of the trail. We suggest you start on the left side of the loop. Walk the path that goes between the restrooms and the first ramada. You'll get to enjoy some mature Saguaro Cacti and the historic rock dam. If you continue on, you will climb up to a higher elevation and enjoy views of three mountain ranges (The Catalinas, Tucson Mtns, and Tortolitas). At the start of the trail, there are some nice benches where you can rest. It is a bit confusing at certain points as to which way to go but try to watch for signs along the way. Some of them aren't really apparent unless you are looking for them.
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