Catalina State Park
11570 N Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ 85737
This park is 8.3 miles from Windfeather Resort and is about a 15-minute drive. There are park fees. Restrooms are available.
Hours - 5:00 am to 10:00 pm
Length of Trail - There are several trails to explore in this park
Trail rating - Trails vary from easy to difficult.

Exclusive Services
We, personally, prefer this park over the National parks due to the fact that there seem to be more mature saguaro cacti you can get up close and personal with. Plus, the park fees aren't as expensive as the National parks and if you go during the week and not during one of their special events, there doesn't seem to be as many people.
We enjoy taking the left side of the Canyon Loop trail as you can get some great photos of the saguaros and it's a pretty easy hike. The right side of the loop is not as exciting.
Romero pools trail is a more difficult hike but is well worth the trip if you can do it! There are several more trails for all skill levels.